Thursday, October 28, 2010

PV Pavement: Walking on Solar Panels

Photovoltaic (PV) panels are a great source of energy, but sometimes the cost, maintenance and integration within a project can be a little daunting. How about a PV panel paving stone that not only substitutes a required building material (walking pavement), but is tough enough to actual walk on! Check this out:

The sustainable building product company Onyx Solar has teamed up with Butech to create photovoltaic paving stones created from ceramic and glass.

"The streamlined solar stones are manufactured using a process that produces less CO2 and uses less energy than traditional pavement, making this energy-generating material even better for reducing the environmental impact of building projects."

And even though this awesome (sustainable!) paving product will not be available to market until the end of the year, check out Onyx Solar's other amazing achievement: PHOTOVOLTAIC BUILDING FACADES!


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