Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's a Tire...It's a Playground...No, it's a Sink!!!

Move over porcelain, tile and (our favorite) concrete, running tracks and playgrounds aren't the only thing tires are good for anymore! Introducing RUBBiSH, a "recycled rubber sink" that has been making the rounds, such as Architect Magazine's 2010 R+D Awards.

Rubber from used (post-consumer) tires are melted down and formed into a thin, 1/8-inch-thick sheet. Then a simple drain collar is used to anchor the rubber sheet, creating a shallow-slopping surface that gently pulls the water to the center. And the best part? Since the sink itself is now so light (weighing in at less than a pound), the actual frame it sits in can be totally redesign as well! This minimal base frame (which holds the edges of the rubber sheet) can be as sleek and clean as the sink itself!

Talk about resourceful, the designers over at Minarc have devised a way to take these:

100% raw POST-consumer rubber tires

...combine them with this...

a common drain collar

...and voilĂ !, a modern, sleek and sustainable sink that we can't wait to integrate into an upcoming project!

(although currently in SoCal, the designer's hail from Iceland)

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